Discover how automating attendance monitoring benefits schools, faculty, and students alike. 
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Identify at-risk students & provide early intervention
When your students feel more engaged and connected to the campus community they have an 80% higher chance of continuing their academic pursuits.1 A student’s level of academic engagement may in part be measured by attendance data and can therefore be used for predictive purposes. Having an attendance monitoring system that is simple and automated helps in effectively identifying students that are not engaged and therefore potentially at risk of discontinuing.

Use attendance data to   help with federal financial aid compliance
As financial scrutiny by federal and state government increases, it is wise for colleges and universities to tighten up their reporting standards and improve information systems to ensure strict compliance with financial aid requirements. Attendance plays a role in many of these requirements.

Make taking attendance easy for faculty & students
For most faculty, taking attendance is a chore. Given the wide variety of attendance-taking procedures, the attendance data you receive may be riddled with inconsistencies and plagued with inaccuracies. Providing an attendance monitoring system that is not only consistent across the board, but automated, provides instant information that is accurate, easily accessible, and readily available for analysis. 

Blackboard Attendance
Blackboard Attendance is an application accessible on any tablet, phone, or computer that works in tandem with the Blackboard Wall Reader and your unified campus credential in tracking, monitoring, and keeping attendance records. This product integrates with the Blackboard Transaction System, but it is not necessary to have the Blackboard Transaction System to use Blackboard Attendance. To learn more about Blackboard Attendance, download the Blackboard Attendance Overview.

1 Noel-Levitz Research – Mid-Year Retention Indicators Report. Retrieved from:
Learn how today's technology is empowering institutions with improved attendance data.

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